
About this blog

re-Ver(sing) Verses is a project started by Zec in an attempt to document some of her musings on Bible verses. While this blog is open for public, it should be kept in mind by readers that the purpose of this blog was never meant to provoke unhappiness or debates. Comments, discussions and criticisms are welcome, but please accept (or at least tolerate) the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you. By and large, re-Ver(sing) Verses will only analyse in a way that doesn’t stumble others, and most of what is studied ought to be God-lifting in nature.

In general, there are 3 parts to this project.

  1. Reading verses (and also memorizing them)
  2. Singing verses (many verses can be sung!)
  3. Analyzing(reversing) verses (and presented in a post daily)

There is a notable 4th part, which wasn’t intended and kind of happened by accident: creating a piece of graphic that contains the verse. This can be considered as a form of re-versing the verse in a graphical manner.

About verses

In 1551, Robert Estienne, a French scholar and printer, introduced versification to the New Testament books. While he was not the first to divide the New Testament into verses, his was the most completely and widely adopted version. Old Testament verses were divided way before; but since Estienne, verses have become a norm to refer to the Bible, and verse numbers are very helpful today when memorizing the scriptures.

About the author

Zec is a 25 year old female protestant Christian, and as a second-generation Christian, was born and bred in a Presbyterian Church. She acknowledges that her knowledge of the Bible is severely lacking – she has no credentials in divinity or theology to boast of – and this blog is really a simple study of verses done by an ordinary girl. Spare her the terminology and the technicalities. She is just here to read the Bible and record her musings.

There are more than 30,000 verses (31, 103) in the Bible, and even if she spends the rest of her life writing about one verse a day, she doubts that the list of verses can ever be exhausted. After all, that would amount to more than 85 years. Therefore, she is more than willing for like-minded people to join her in her quest of reversing verses: reading, versing, singing, analyzing them. If you are interested, feel free to contact Zec at admin@reversingverses.com.

About the images

Every single post in this blog has a verse art attached to it – something that was started by accident and it stayed for good. Except for some of the earlier posts, all the images are created by Zec as she worked on each verse study. Images not by her are clearly credited on the first line of the post. While Zec can do graphics, she’s not really a graphics designer and doesn’t usually spend more than 10 minutes on each verse art, so pardon the occasional simple or sloppy verse arts. Feel free to use them as you wish, whether on web or in print – you don’t need to credit re-Ver(sing) Verses or Zec. She doesn’t care, and would rather you credit God or the Bible, because in all honesty, that’s where all the verses and the inspirations behind the graphics came from.

All the verse arts at re-Ver(sing) Verses were made in postcard size, though they’re scaled down a lot when posted here. If you need a higher resolution copy, or the .psd original source files, feel free to contact Zec for them. She loves the idea of sending verse arts around the world – hence the postcard size, so if you want to receive one, just drop your mailing address (privately please). If you want a few empty ones, feel free to contact Zec as well, as long as you promise to send them out, they will be printed out and sent to you – fully colored, with front and backs.

41 thoughts on “About

  1. what a wonderful idea. God bless you as your ideas multiply and your craft broadens. the Lord uses ideas like yours in ways we can´t imagine.

  2. Zec,
    What a gift of insight God has given you! I pray for wisdom to flood your mind and may the Spirit show you God’s hidden treasures as you open your heart to Him. Thanks for the traffic on my blog, and be assured I will be visiting yours often as well!

  3. 22? It’s always amazing to see what God is doing with young people who are in love with Him and His word. Stay studious Zec and may God continue to bless you.

  4. It isn’t about having a Doctorate in Divinity Zec when interpreting or understanding Scripture, it’s about The Holy Spirit and allowing Him to enlighten you. You admit to not having much knowledge but everyone has to start somewhere. Best solution? Read your Bible. Lots of love and thanks for ‘liking’ my blog.

    Shirley Anne x

  5. Thanks for stopping by “Unwalled” and liking my post “Problem or Opportunity”……it is wonderful how you are using your blog to share your insights into the Word……may give you increased revelation as you seek after Him……KIm

  6. Hi zec, thanks for stopping by my blog. It is great that you are seeking God through His word. He has promised that He will reveal himself to whoever seeks him wholeheartedly (Jer 29:13) so I hope you are ready for some awesome encounters! 🙂

    God Bless 🙂

  7. Thank you for stoping by my blog your blog is very intresting. I will like to read more of it. The most important thing at this crrent time is to spread the word of the lord, love, faith and warrings, to share the love of God with belivers for they need food, and non belivers who need food and water. The time is now my young friend. Always share, faith with out works is dead. Time is short .God bless you and be with you

  8. Hello Zec! Thank you for liking one of the posts on my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has encouraged you. Please continue check in on us from time to time and follow if you will. Thank you again and remember to have Faith 1st.

  9. Hello, Zec! I appreciate your time in liking some of my posts in justamomentofsolace.wordpress.com. Thanks for your support…
    I find your blog posts and arts interesting too! You inspire others in different ways thru God’s Word. God bless you more, Zec! Nice to meet you at WordPress!

  10. Grace and Peace Zec! Are these your images? If so, is it okay if I share them with others. I will give you credit of course. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

    • Yeah, with the exception of a few of my earlier posts, they’re all my original work – if they are not, I would usually credit in the line that says – verse | NIV (1984) | Credit | Other Versions | Context – in the regular format of my posts. It would kinda be obvious stylistically that they are not mine too.

      Feel free to use in anyway possible; and I don’t need any credit, really. If you need a larger version, you can always email me or comment somewhere about it – I typically downsize them to upload, but I still retain all the original working files.

      Thanks for asking, though! God bless!

  11. Thank you for liking ‘The Greatest Gift” on my blog!
    You are an inspiration to me. I pray that you will continue to use your talents to bless others. I love the artwork too!
    Moriah R.

  12. Zecqi, I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award because you are a humble young woman who loves to dig deep into the Word of God. Much like a mother bird, you take the word, chew it up, and then regurgitate it to your baby birdies, and what you regurgitate is rich and sustaining.

    The rules for accepting the award and the link are here:

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award Nomination

  13. Hello, Zec. I just picked up your blog from The Mustard Seed Budget. I enjoyed reading your post on Phil. 4:13. Love your idea behind your blog. Looking forward to more!

  14. Hi Zec. I am really excited about getting into your blog. It’s different (I mean that in a good way). 🙂
    Thank you for liking my post. God bless….

  15. I just wanted to thank you for your generosity in allowing use of your art work. I publish the newsletter for the Greater Cincinnati Emmaus community and often use graphics to highlight articles. I was searching for something to accompany a specific verse when I came upon your site. God bless you in your ministry of sharing His word throughout the world.

  16. Vec, I just wanted to stop by and say, “Hey! and Thank you for stopping by first!” We pray that you were uplifted and that your day was made brighter by something you found on our site. The Word of God is life and peace; we truly desire for you to continue in what you’re doing. The more we pour into His Word, the more He will pour into us.

    Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus,
    Rebecca and Ma Chris

  17. Zec, I love what you’re doing on this blog; thanks for sharing your thoughts on Romans and the beautiful art work! I especially love your musings on Romans 12:12. May you be blessed, as we are blessed by your ministry.

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